Friday, January 27, 2017

What’s the secret to Switzerland’s success?

Switzerland: the most competitive country in the world. What exactly is Swiss made? What is Switzerland business model? Characteristics of Swissness: Self-reliance, strong work ethics, cautious attitude towards taking risks, reliability, trust, being adaptable, having a certain sense of modesty and being discreet about success.

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Switzerland is regularly ranked one of the most competitive countries in the world. So, what’s its secret?

That’s what author James Breiding wanted to find out in his book, “Swiss Made: the Untold Story Behind Switzerland’s Success”. Since it came out in 2013 his book has achieved bestselling status and has been translated into different languages. He spoke to Matthew Allen about the Swiss brand and new regulations over the ‘Swiss Made’ label in force since the start of 2017, the goal of which is to better protect the use of the ‘Swiss’ name in product packaging.

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